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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Language Function (It's time + Simple Past Verb...):

a)    IV. Language Function (It's time + Simple Past Verb...):
b)    Read the following sentence from the play and notice the underlined
c)     expression.
d)     It's quite time you came to live with us again.
e)     The underlined expression 'It's quite time + simple past verb' is used to say that
f)      something is not happening, but it should be happening or to express that something should
g)     be done and that it is already a little late.
h)     Now the sentence can be understood as: It is a suitable time for you to live with us. / It
i)       is already late that you should live with us.
j)       Note: The expressions 'It's quite time', 'It's high time', 'It's time' and 'It's about
k)     time' are all the same. The adjectives 'high' or 'quite' are used to make the feeling stronger.
l)       Read the following contexts and express them using expressions 'It's quite
m) time', 'It's high time', 'It's time' or 'It's about time'
n)     1. Bhavani usually wakes up at 6 a.m. daily. It is 6.15 a.m. now. Bhavani has not woken up
o)     yet. You feel it is already late. Express your idea using 'It's high time'.
p)     A: ______________________________________________________________
q)     2. You and your friend have spent more time than you spend daily in the playground. You
r)      feel it is late and better to go home. What would you say to your friend? Use the
s)      expression 'It's time'.
t)       A: ______________________________________________________________
u)     3. You to your friend: 'You have not thought seriously about what you want to do in your
v)     life.' How would you express this idea using 'It's high time'.
w)   A: ____________________________________________________________
x)     4. Your friend promised you to make a phone call at 7 a.m. But you haven't received any
y)     phone call from him yet. Now it is 7.30 a.m. How would you express this idea using 'It's
z)     time'?
aa)   A: ____________________________________________________________
bb)5. Your friend has been working on a project for 5 months. But he has not completed it yet.
cc) You feel that your friend should take your help to complete the project fast. Give him /
dd)her advice using 'It's time.

ee)  A: ____________________________________________________________


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