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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Usage Of Dare and Had Better

The Usage Dare and Had Better

The Usage Of Dare as an ordinary verb and as an auxiliary verb

1. The Verb Dare is used both as an ordinary verb and as an auxiliary verb. We have to add 's' in the third person singulars.

The Usage Of Dare and Had Better
The Usage Of Dare and Had Better

2. Questions and negatives sentences are made with 'do'.

For Example:

I did not dare to face his challenge.

She dares you to do it.

1. As an auxiliary verb, It doesn’t change its form whatever be the person and number of its subject. 

2. The auxiliary dare is commonly used in questions and negative sentences. 

For Example:

He dare not do such a thing.

How dare you say this?

They dare not accept my challenge.

How dare you laugh at me?

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The Usage Of Had better

Had better Usage

1. Had better has a very similar (nearest) meaning to "should and ought to".

For Example:

You had better see a doctor. (which means You should see a doctor.)

You had better take some rest. (which means You should take some rest.)

2. Had better may also express a threat.

For Example:

He had better be careful.

3.The Structure of "Had Better" is "Sub + had + better + V1 +.........."

Note: After "Had better", we should not use the "to" preposition.

For Example:

You had better to see a doctor. (Wrong)

You had better see a doctor. (Right)

4. "Had Better" Negative structure is "Sub + had + better not + V1 +.........."

For Example:

You had better not see a doctor.

You had better not go that side.

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