The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Worksheet- 1
I. Join the words to form compound nouns
(noun + noun) 8 Marks
1. water cloth
water bottle
2. hair juice
3. school mouse
4. lunch band _______________
5. table wire
6. lemon bus _______________
7. town box _______________
8. cable bottle
II. Find the two words that make each
compound noun. 8 Marks
1. toothpaste =
tooth + paste
2. notebook = ____ +
3. butterfly = ____ +
4. popcorn = ____ +
5. raincoat = ____ +
6. bookshop = ____ +
7. football = ____ +
8. birth = ____ +
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III. Write the other degrees of
adjectives. 4 Marks
Positive Degree Comparative Degree
Superlative Degree
great greater greatest
tall _________________ _________________
short _________________ _________________
big _________________ _________________
red _________________ _________________
IV. Read the passage carefully. 5 Marks
The town mouse and the country mouse were cousins. One day
the country mouse invited the town mouse to his village. The house of the
country mouse was a mouse hole. The town mouse was not able to feel comfortable
in the village. The town mouse did not like the country weather, the living
place, the quiet surroundings, and the food offered by the country mouse.
Choose the correct option:
1. The town mouse and the country mouse were __________. ( )
a) friends b)
cousins c) classmates d) sisters
2. The country mouse invited the town mouse to
his__________. ( )
a) town b)
city c) village d) hostel
3. The house of the country mouse was a ___________. ( )
a) box b)
room c) mouse hole d) cup-board
4. The town mouse was not able to feel comfortable in the
________. ( )
a) town b)
city c) village d) hostel
5. The town mouse did not like ____________. ( )
a) the town b) the
c) the food offered by the country mouse d) none of the above
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