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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Assignment - 4 Class - 7

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Class: 7 Work Sheet – 4

I. Write plural forms to the following compound nouns. 5 Marks

The first one has been done for you.

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Assignment - 4
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Assignment - 4

   Singular                 Plural

1. football                   footballs

2. notebook

3. water bottle

4. raincoat

5. butterfly

6. handkerchief

II. Write sentences using 'full of' with the help of the following table. 4 Marks

The kitchen cupboard was                         audience.

The hospital is                                              delicious food.

My house is                                                   full of joy.

The theatre is                             full of       patients.

My brother is                                                 relatives.

1. The kitchen cupboard was delicious food.

2. ______________________________________.

3. ______________________________________.

4. ______________________________________.

5. ______________________________________.

Also Check

III. Write the words related to town and village under correct heading. 2 Marks

traffic, restaurant, farmer, clean air, pollution, park, field, hut,

Mostly in the towns                                   Mostly in the villages


IV. Write sentences using the following table. The first has been done for you. 4 Marks

Could             I have some money             to drink?

Would             I have some time                 to eat?

Can                 I have some water               to get ready?

Shall               I have some  biscuits           to buy a new pen?


1. Could I have some water to drink?

2. ____________________________.

3. ____________________________.

4. ____________________________.

5. ____________________________.

Also Check



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