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Sunday, November 29, 2020

C.V. Raman The Pride of India Assignment - 2 Class - 7

C.V. Raman The Pride of India Class: 7 Work Sheet – 2

I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Raman was born on November 7, 1888 at Tiruchirapalli in Tamilnadu. His father was a college physics teacher. He was a brilliant student. When Raman passed his matriculation, his parents were keen to send him abroad for higher studies. But on medical grounds a British surgeon advised them against it and Raman stayed in the country to do M.A. course at Presidency College in Madras.

C.V. Raman The Pride of India Assignment - 2 Class - 7
C.V. Raman The Pride of India Assignment - 2 Class - 7

Answer the following questions.           4 Marks

1. If you were Raman when do you celebrate your birthday?

2. What was his father?

3. Was Raman good at studies?

4. What was doctor's advice to Raman's parents?

Abbreviation             Full form                   5 Marks

M.A                             Master of Arts

B.A                              ______________

a.m                             ______________

p.m                             ______________

C.M                             ______________

P.M                             ______________

III. Write past forms (V2forms) of the following verbs 4 Marks

   V1                                   V2

1. pass                       ______________

2. study                      ______________

3. advise                    ______________

4. stay                        ______________

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IV. Fill in the blanks (take reference in the above paragraph) 2 Marks

1. Raman was born on ___________________.

2. His father was a ______________.

3. He was a _____________________student.

4. He stayed in the country to do ________________.

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