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Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Usage of Should A Comprehensive Guide | Should Uses

Should Uses

1. The Model Auxiliary Verb "Should" is the past tense of "shall" in indirect speech.

For Example:

Direct: He said, ‘I Shall follow the rules.’

Indirect: He said that he woould follow the rules.

The Usage of Should A Comprehensive Guide
The Usage of Should A Comprehensive Guide 

2. Should is used "to express duty or obligation".

Should is used with subjects of all three persons to express duty or obligation.

For Example: 

1. I should be kind and honest with my friends.

2. They should have helped me.

3. You should follow the instructions.

4. We should pay the school fees in time.

3. In conditional clauses

The Model Auxiliary Verb "Should" is used in conditional clauses to express possibilities,  suppositions etc.

For Example:

If he should come, please ask him to wait.

Should it rain, there will be no meeting today.

Notes: The sub-ordinate Clause ‘if he should come’ indicates less likelihood of ‘his coming’ than ‘if he comes’. It means something like this: ‘There is not much likelihood of his coming. But if he comes please ask him to wait.’

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4. Should after "lest Usage"

Should is the only auxiliary verb that can be used after lest.

For Example

You have to go there lest I should punish you.

5.Should like to Usage

Should is used in the phrase ‘should like to’. It is a polite form of making a statement.

I should like to remind you that we have only one weak to go there.

6. Should is used "To express possibility or likelihood".

For Example

I should be able to finish it.

We should be able to continue the work.

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